Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Brent's little copy cat

It's official, the only thing Marshall inherited from his mother was his looks! Aside from that he is ALL Brent. This weekend was a 3 day weekend packed full of chores and projects to get done and Brent was with us most of the time. Generally Marshall would stay inside with Mom during weekends like these so he is out of Dad's way but this weekend we decided it would be good for him to do "man chores" with Daddy. So out to the shop he did go :). Turns out Marshall has an affinity for tools and tinkering. Brent likened Marshall to a shadow. Where Brent sat, Marshall sat and everything Brent touched naturally Marshall touched. Short of the air compressor Marshall loves everything tools and continually tries to "fix" everything. I can see my alarm clocks and various other things being torn apart only to be put back together again. Marshall also LOVES going outside, however, he has a "sissy" way about him (maybe not so Brent). He does not like to get dirty and asks instantly to get cleaned off, he will not stand for sand in his crocs/shoes and refuses to walk if some happens to slip into one of them. I took him to the park the other day and he stood in one spot because he refused to walk in the sand. It seems as though some of the sand got in his shoe and he freaked. With a lot of coaxing (and screaming) he eventually ended up on the park (without me picking him up) and had a fun time going down the slides. After a long and busy weekend it is easy to say the Marshall is definitely "Daddy's little boy".

Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer at the Kennedy's

Here are a few of my favorite moments so far this summer. These are glimpses into the few days where we have actually had summer weather. It seems as though it is more of a wet fall type summer than a nice sunny summer, a little disappointing but needed none-the-less. What days we have actually been able to enjoy have been a blast for our little family. It is so fun to have such a curious little 2 year old who enjoys any adventure you set before him.

Digging the flower beds with Mom and Dad

Quadding date

New helmets

Our dugout was EMPTY last year

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Marshall's first haircut!

It's about time! I have been putting off cutting Marshall's hair for way too long but you can't blame me. It took so long for his hair to grow in thick enough to even see. It's so fair and white that even though it was getting long and straggly from a distance he still looked bald. So we finally bit the bullet and gave him a cut and he looks so boyish as opposed to babyish :) He sat perfectly still (as still as you can expect from a 2 year old) and exercised great self-control. It was a fun experience and I love how much of a little man he looks like.

Before shot of his long locks

After the cut (before styling)

Sitting on the potty while Mom was playing with my hair :) (being a goof)

So hard to get a serious face with his eyes open :P

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Keaton- 1 month

Keaton has a quiet perceptive personality. He isn't as social as Marshall was (Marshall smiled at 2 weeks where as Keaton smiled for the first time at 4 weeks) but when he does smile he lights up our hearts :) We recently measured his weight and height and he is currently sitting at 11 lbs 3 ounces and measuring over 22 inches! He is definitely our little porker ;). Here are a few update photo's, the first one is at 3 weeks old and the rest were taken just recently at 5 weeks old.

Friday, April 22, 2011

More pictures

Keaton Asher Kennedy!

It is crazy to think about it being over a week since welcoming our second little boy into the world! Among the mayhem I have finally found the time to sit down and write about the details. Keaton Asher was born on April the 11th at 7:37 PM, weighing in at 8 pounds 6 ounces and measuring 20 inches long. We had false labour on and off since the 7th and finally consistant contractions on the afternoon of the 10th. Contractions slowed down over the night and picked up again in the morning (4:00 AM). By noon on the 11th they were very consistant at 5 minutes and getting quite painful so we went to the hospital. At that point they did an examination and determined that I was 3-4 cm dilated and instructed me to walk for an hour. We did so until I was getting quite painful contractions every 3-4 minutes. They then admitted me and we were 5 cm dilated!

I went into the shower at about 2:00 and stayed in there for a couple of hours until I finally requested the epidural. I got out of the shower and finally got the necessary blood work and by the time that came back from the lab and the anesthesiologist came up it was 6:30 before I actually recieved the meds. They broke my water and checked me before giving me the epidural and I was sitting at 7 cm dilated. It took no time after getting the medication before I felt the urge to push, it was about quarter after 7 and by 7:37 our little man was born!

Keaton was a very sleepy newborn and they had to poke him a couple of times and give him some "wake up" medication before we got any real cries out of him. I did not get to see his Apgar scores but I know that he was very purple and quiet for quite a while. It took him a good 20 minutes before giving one good cry and then he was back to sleep. They monitored us for a few hours before putting us in a room and then we were finally on our own :)

The birth was not a traumatic one by any means therefore my recovery has been relatively fast. I find myself doing a little too much at times but I am just happy to be able to move around freely finally!! Despite Brents impartiality to infants, he is quite happy to have another little man in the house. We love our boys and wouldn't trade them for the world! Life after Keatons birth has been a little bit crazy, it was only this Wednesday (20th) that I had my first "just at home" day. Things have been settling well, Keaton had his days and nights mixed up but has quickly gotten onto a proper night-day schedule. Marshall is of course a little jealous, every time Keaton cries Marshall runs to him and emphatically points a finger at him and says "baby NO!" (I am assuming he has picked up on the fact that if Keaton cries Mom pays attention to him :) Regardless of his jealousy Marshall likes to give him kisses and tries hard to give him the soother.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mommy- Marshall comparison!

Times are changing and Marshall is changing so fast! His features are becoming more "boy" than "baby" and he is really starting to look like me (Chantelle). Here are a few photo's and I will let you decide for yourself...

Mommy Profile

Marshall profile

Mommy and Uncle Chris
